artwork - Artwork Management

This module manages the artworks of an album and caches several scaled versions of it.

The main options is -u to update one or all artworks.

Iff there is no artwork assigned to the album, this artwork manager tries to extract the artwork from the metadata of a file of an album. If there is an artwork assigned, it will only be scaled to resolution it is not already available yet.

If only one album shall be updated, it must be addressed by using the --album PATH option. Is this option set, a further option --artwork PATH can be used to specify an artwork that shall be used for the album. If no artwork is given, or if the whole cache shall be updated, the artwork inside the audio-files of an album are used.

All new creates files were set to the ownership [music]->owner:[music]->group and gets the permission rw-rw-r--


Update the whole cache (Using UpdateArtist())

musicdb artwork -u

Update only for a new album (Using UpdateAlbum())

musicdb artwork --album $Albumpath -u

For a user-defined artwork (Using UpdateAlbum())

musicdb artwork --artwork $Artworkpath --album $Albumpath -u

# For example:
wget -O ~/tmp.jpg https://some.url/artworks?id=37693cfc748049e45d87b8c7d8b9aacd
musicdb artwork -u --album /data/music/Lindemann/2019\ -\ F\ \&\ M\ \(Deluxe\) --artwork ~/tmp.jpg