videoframes - Video Frames and Preview Manager

This module manages the video frames and previews of a video and caches several scaled versions of it.

Currently there is one main option: -u to update one (use --video or all video frames and previews.


Updating all frames and preview may take a long time.

All files in the video frames directory that belong to the address video will be updated. Existing files that follow the naming scheme for files affected by this update process will be overwritten. Files that do not belog to the MusicDB-Workflow (like files added by the user) remain untouched.

If only one video shall be updated explicitly, it must be addressed by using the --video PATH option.

All new creates files were set to the ownership [music]->owner:[music]->group and get the permission rw-rw-r--


This module does not overwrite existing artworks. You have to delete the old files if you want to create new ones (for example after upgrading a video file).


Update the whole cache (Using UpdateArtist())

musicdb videoframes -u

Update only for a new video (Using UpdateVideo())

musicdb artwork --video $Videopath -u