Websocket Connection

For the concept and the documentation of the MusicDB API see MusicDB Websocket API. This document focus on the functions and infrastructure to connect to the server and access the API. Reading the concept page first will help to understand this page.

Connection Process

  • green: functions inside the musicdb.js file

  • blue: methods of the JavaScript WebSocket class. The implementation is in the musicdb.js file anyway.

  • red: callbacks that must be implemented by the user. The names are shorted. The “…” stands for “onMusicDB”

digraph controlflow{ compound=true; node [shape=doublecircle, color=black, fontsize=10, label="JavaScript\nEngine" ] JS; graph [color=blue, style=box]; node [fontsize=10]; subgraph cluster_OnLoad { label = "window.onload"; color = red; node [shape=box, color=green4, label="ConnectToMusicDB"] OL_ConnectToMDB; } subgraph cluster_SocketOpen { label = "socket.onopen"; node [shape=box, color=red, label="…ConnectionOpen"] SO_onOpen; } subgraph cluster_SocketClose { label = "socket.onclose"; node [shape=box, color=green4, label="MDB_StopWatchdog"] SC_StopWatchdog; node [shape=diamond, color=black, label="is readyState\nCLOASING or CLOSED"] SC_IF; node [shape=box, color=red, label="…ConnectionError"] SC_onError; node [shape=box, color=red, label="…ConnectionClosed"] SC_onClosed; SC_StopWatchdog -> SC_IF; SC_IF -> SC_onError [label="no"]; SC_IF -> SC_onClosed [label="yes"]; } subgraph cluster_SocketError { label = "socket.onerror"; node [shape=box, color=green4, label="MDB_StopWatchdog"] SE_StopWatchdog; node [shape=box, color=red, label="…ConnectionError"] SE_onError; SE_StopWatchdog -> SE_onError; } subgraph cluster_SocketMessage { label = "socket.onmessage"; node [shape=box, color=green4, label="MDB_ResetWatchdog"] SM_ResetWatchdog; node [shape=box, color=black, label="Parse received\nJSON string"] SM_Decode; node [shape=diamond, color=black, label="Check method variable"] SM_IF; node [shape=box, color=red, label="…Notification"] SM_onNotification; node [shape=box, color=red, label="…Message"] SM_onMessage; SM_ResetWatchdog -> SM_Decode; SM_Decode -> SM_IF; SM_IF -> SM_onNotification [label = "method == \"notification\""]; SM_IF -> SM_onMessage [label = "else"]; } JS -> OL_ConnectToMDB [lhead=cluster_OnLoad, label="When loaded"]; JS -> SO_onOpen [lhead=cluster_SocketOpen, label="on open"]; JS -> SC_StopWatchdog [lhead=cluster_SocketClose, label="on close"]; JS -> SE_StopWatchdog [lhead=cluster_SocketError, label="on error"]; JS -> SM_ResetWatchdog [lhead=cluster_SocketMessage, label="on message"]; }


The existence of a watchdog timer in this code has historical reasons. There was a bug in the server that caused a loss of the connection to all clients. To fulfill the “The show must go on” requirement I implemented this code. It is still in use because it does not hurt.

Watchdog gets started with the first received message and with each message reset. When the connection gets closed or an error occurred, the watchdog timer gets stop. Only when there are no more messages coming without any reason, the watchdog closes the current connection and establishes a new one. When the watchdog timer runs to 0, a callback function onMusicDBWatchdogBarks gets called.

The watchdog does an automatic reconnect to the server when there are no packages coming from the server. The MusicDB Server send in a period of several seconds (max 3) the state of the musicdb.mdbapi.audiostream.AudioStreamingThread to all clients. On Windows systems, packages can be stuck inside Windows internal buffers for a long time (several seconds). Keep this in mind when configuring the Watchdog.

To configure the watchdog set the following variables in the config.js file:

WATCHDOG_RUN (boolean):

If true the watchdog function checks if there is still a connection the server.


If there is no sign that the connection is active for interval milliseconds, the watchdog will recognize it.

Communication with the server

The address of the server can be set in the following variable in config.js:


The URL to the websocket server. For example: "wss://testserver.org:9000". By default, the domain of the website with port 9000 will be used. It is required to use a secured websocket communication "wss".


In case you use a self signed certificate, access URL including the port number via "https" to tell the browser that you trust that certificate. So with the example configuration, access "https://testserver.org:9000" and confirm the certificate. Then, a version note of the Autobahn websocket framework is shown when everything is set up correct.


To be able to communicate with the MusicDB WebSocket server, the correct API key must be set here. This is the same key as in the MusicDB configuration (musicdb.ini) under [websocket]->apikey. This key gets generated during the first installation of MusicDB with a random key and can be changed if wanted.

Sending Data

There are three functions defined to communicate with the MusicDB Server:

  • MusicDB_Call: Call a function without expecting a response from the server. Anyway, the server many response with a message event for the caller client or even with a broadcast. It might also trigger some notification events.

  • MusicDB_Request: Call a function and ask the server to response to it.

  • MusicDB_Broadcast: Call a function but let the response be sent to all connected clients.

The following code example shows the JavaScript function declaration:

function MusicDB_Call(fncname, args)
   // …

function MusicDB_Request(fncname, fncsig, args, pass)
   // …

function MusicDB_Broadcast(fncname, fncsig, args, pass)
   // …

The arguments have the following meaning:

fncname (string):

Name of the WebSocket API function. See MusicDB Websocket API.

fncsig (string):

A signature to identify the reason for a function call. This can be any string and well be passed though to the sig parameter of the onMusicDBMessage handler.

args (Object, optional):

An object with the arguments to a called function. See MusicDB Websocket API.

pass (Object, optional):

Similar to the fncsig parameter, the pass parameter gets passed to the response of a function call. This can be used to pass further information to a clients processing of an message, or to distribute information from one client to another one (via MusicDB_Boradcast).

Receiving Data

When a notification was sent from the server to the clients, the function onMusicDBNotification will be called. For a general message the function onMusicDBMessage.

Minimal usage

This code example shows a minimal example on how to use the JavaScript code for the websocket connection to the MusicDB Websocket Server.

window.onload = function ()
   // Connect to the server

// Handle state changes
function onMusicDBConnectionOpen()
   window.console && console.log("Connection open");
function onMusicDBConnectionError()
   window.console && console.log("An error occured!");
function onMusicDBWatchdogBarks()
   window.console && console.log("Timeout!");
function onMusicDBConnectionClosed()
   window.console && console.log("Connection closed");

// Handle messages and notifications from the server
function onMusicDBNotification(fnc, sig, rawdata)

   window.console && console.log("Notification received:");
   window.console && console.log(fnc);
   window.console && console.log(sig);
   window.console && console.log(rawdata);
function onMusicDBMessage(fnc, sig, args, pass)

   window.console && console.log("Message received:");
   window.console && console.log(fnc);
   window.console && console.log(sig);
   window.console && console.log(args);
   window.console && console.log(pass);