Source code for musicdb.mdbapi.songqueue

# MusicDB,  a music manager with web-bases UI that focus on music.
# Copyright (C) 2018 - 2021  Ralf Stemmer <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
This module implements the Song Queue.
The song queue consists of a global FIFO organized list.

Song Queue Management

An entry in this queue is a dictionary having the following keys:

        An entry ID that is unique for all entries at any time.
        This UUID is a 128 bit integer.
        A song ID as maintained by the :class:`~musicdb.lib.db.musicdb.MusicDatabase` class.

        A boolean value that is set to ``True`` when the song was added by :doc:`/mdbapi/randy`.

Some features of this queue are:

    * The entry ID is a `Version 4 Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) <>`_ .
    * The current playing song is at index 0.
    * The songs remain in the queue until they got completely streamed.
    * This class is thread safe. So each method of the same instance can be called from different threads.
    * The queue is persistent. After restarting MusicDB, the queue is not lost.

Furthermore this module cooperates the Randy module (see: :doc:`/mdbapi/randy`)
When the queue runs empty, a new random song gets append to the queue.

Song Queue Event Management

This module provided a callback interface to react on events triggered on changes in the Song Queue.

The following two functions can be used to register or remove a callback function:

    * :meth:`~SongQueue.RegisterCallback`
    * :meth:`~SongQueue.RemoveCallback`

Functions that get called must provide two parameters.
The first is a string that provides the name of the event as described below.
The second parameter contains an event specific argument, or ``None``.

A return value gets not handled.

The following events exist:

        Gets triggered when the Song Queue changes

        When the current playing song changes.


    The following example shows how the :meth:`~SongQueue.NextSong` method works:

    .. code-block:: python

        queue = SongQueue(mdbconfig, musicdatabase)
        queue.AddSong(7357)         # 7357 is a song ID

        print(queue.CurrentSong()["songid"])  # 7357
        print(queue.CurrentSong()["songid"])  # 7357
        print(queue.NextSong()["songid"])     # 1337
        print(queue.CurrentSong()["songid"])  # 1337

        queueentry = queue.CurrentSong()
        if queueentry["israndom"]:
            print("Entry %d is a randomly added song."%(queueentry["entryid"]))


import uuid
import logging
import threading    # for RLock
from musicdb.lib.cfg.musicdb    import MusicDBConfig
from musicdb.lib.cfg.mdbstate   import MDBState
from musicdb.lib.db.musicdb     import MusicDatabase
from musicdb.mdbapi.randy       import Randy
from musicdb.mdbapi.blacklist   import BlacklistInterface

Queue     = None
QueueLock = threading.RLock()   # RLock allows nested calls. It locks only different threads.
Callbacks = []                  # For events like QueueChanged or SongChanged

[docs]class SongQueue(object): """ This class implements a queue to manage songs to play. Whenever the queue changes, its data gets stored in the MusicDB State Directory When the constructor detects that there is no queue yet (not even an empty one), it tries to load the stored queue. If this fails, a new empty queue gets created. Args: config: :class:`~musicdb.lib.cfg.musicdb.MusicDBConfig` object holding the MusicDB Configuration database: A :class:`~musicdb.lib.db.musicdb.MusicDatabase` instance Raises: TypeError: When the arguments are not of the correct type. """ def __init__(self, config, database): if type(config) != MusicDBConfig: raise TypeError("config argument not of type MusicDBConfig") if type(database) != MusicDatabase: raise TypeError("database argument not of type MusicDatabase") self.db = database self.cfg = config self.mdbstate = MDBState(self.cfg.directories.state, self.db) self.blacklist = BlacklistInterface(self.cfg, self.db) self.randy = Randy(self.cfg, self.db) global Queue global QueueLock with QueueLock: if Queue == None: logging.debug("Loading Song Queue…") try: self.Load() except Exception as e: logging.warning("Loading song queue failed with error: %s. \033[1;30m(Creating an empty one)", str(e)) Queue = [] ##################################################################### # Event Management # #####################################################################
[docs] def RegisterCallback(self, function): """ Register a callback function that reacts on Song Queue related events. For more details see the module description at the top of this document. Args: function: A function that shall be called on an event. Returns: *Nothing* """ global Callbacks Callbacks.append(function)
[docs] def RemoveCallback(self, function): """ Removes a function from the list of callback functions. Args: function: A function that shall be called removed. Returns: *Nothing* """ global Callbacks # Not registered? Then do nothing. if not function in Callbacks: logging.warning("A Song Queue callback function should be removed, but did not exist in the list of callback functions!") return Callbacks.remove(function)
[docs] def TriggerEvent(self, name, arg=None): """ This function triggers an event. It iterates through all registered callback functions and calls them. The arguments to the functions are the name of the even (``name``) and addition arguments (``arg``). That argument will be ``None`` if there is no argument. More details about events can be found in the module description at the top of this document. Args: name (str): Name of the event arg: Additional arguments to the event, or ``None`` Returns: *Nothing* """ global Callbacks for callback in Callbacks: try: callback(name, arg) except Exception as e: logging.exception("A Song Queue event callback function crashed!")
[docs] def Event_SongQueueChanged(self): """ See :meth:`~TriggerEvent` with event name ``"SongQueueChanged"``. More details in the module description at the top of this document. This method also tries to save the queue into the MusicDB State Directory. """ try: self.Save() except Exception as e: logging.warning("Saving the current song queue failed with error: %s. \033[1;30m(Continuing without saving)", str(e)) self.TriggerEvent("SongQueueChanged")
[docs] def Event_SongChanged(self): """ See :meth:`~TriggerEvent` with event name ``"SongChanged"`` More details in the module description at the top of this document. """ self.TriggerEvent("SongChanged")
##################################################################### # Queue Management # #####################################################################
[docs] def Save(self): """ Save the current queue into a csv file in the MusicDB State Directory. Therefor the :meth:`musicdb.lib.cfg.mdbstate.MDBState.SaveSongQueue` gets used. Returns: *Nothing* """ global Queue global QueueLock with QueueLock: self.mdbstate.SaveSongQueue(Queue)
[docs] def Load(self): """ This method loads the last stored song queue for the MusicDB State Directory via :meth:`musicdb.lib.cfg.mdbstate.MDBState.LoadSongQueue`. Returns: *Nothing* """ global Queue global QueueLock with QueueLock: Queue = self.mdbstate.LoadSongQueue()
[docs] def GenerateID(self): """ This method generate a unique ID. In detail, it is a `Version 4 Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) <>`_ . It will be returned as an integer. This method is build for the internal use in this class. Returns: A UUID to be used as entry ID Example: .. code-block:: python queue = SongQueue() uuid = GenerateID() print(type(uuid)) # int """ return uuid.uuid4().int
[docs] def CurrentSong(self): """ This method returns the current song in the queue. The method returns element 0 from the queue which is the current song that can be streamed or gets already streamed. The song shall remain in the queue until it got completely streamed. Then it can be removed by calling :meth:`~musicdb.mdbapi.songqueue.SongQueue.NextSong`. When the queue is empty, a new random song gets added. This is the exact same song that then will be returned by this method. If adding a new song fails, ``None`` gets returned. This method triggers the ``SongQueueChanged`` event when the queue was empty and a new random song got added. Returns: A dictionary as described in the module description Example: .. code-block:: python queue = SongQueue() # Queue will be empty after creating a SongQueue object entry = queue.CurrentSong() if entry: print("Random SongID: %s" % (str(entry["songid"]))) else print("Queue is empty! - Adding random song failed!") # Adds two new song with ID 7357 and 1337. # Then the current song is the first song added. queue.AddSong(7357) queue.AddSong(1337) entry = queue.CurrentSong() if entry: print("SongID: %s" % (str(entry["songid"]))) # 7357 else # will not be reached because we explicitly added songs. print("Queue is empty! - Adding random song failed!") """ global Queue global QueueLock with QueueLock: # Empty Queue? Add a random song! if len(Queue) == 0: self.AddRandomSong() self.Event_SongQueueChanged() # Still empty (no random song found)? Then return None. Nothing to do… if len(Queue) == 0: logging.critical("Queue run empty! \033[1;30m(Check constraints for random song selection and check if there are songs at all)") return None # Select first song from queue entry = Queue[0] return entry
[docs] def NextSong(self): """ This method returns the next song in the queue. This entry will be the next current song. The method pops the last current element from the queue. Then the new element at position 0, the new current element, will be returned. If the queue is empty, ``None`` gets returned. .. warning:: In context of streaming, this method may not be the one you want to call. This Method drops the current song and sets the next song on top of the queue. The stream will not notice this, so that it continues streaming the previous song. (See :doc:`/mdbapi/audiostream`). If you want to stream the next song, call :meth:`musicdb.mdbapi.audiostream.AudioStreamManager.PlayNextSong`. The :meth:`musicdb.mdbapi.audiostream.AudioStreamManager.PlayNextSong` then makes the Streaming Thread calling this method. This method triggers the ``SongChanged`` and ``SongQueueChanged`` event when the queue was not empty. The ``SongChanged`` event gets also triggered when there was no next song. When there is only one entry left in the queue - the current song - then a new one gets add via :meth:`AddRandomSong` Returns: The new current song entry in the queue as dictionary described in the module description Example: .. code-block:: python queue = SongQueue() # Adds two new song with ID 7357 and 1337. queue.AddSong(7357) queue.AddSong(1337) entry = queue.CurrentSong() print("SongID: %s" % (str(entry["songid"]))) # 7357 entry = queue.NextSong() print("SongID: %s" % (str(entry["songid"]))) # 1337 entry = queue.CurrentSong() print("SongID: %s" % (str(entry["songid"]))) # 1337 """ global Queue global QueueLock with QueueLock: if len(Queue) == 0: return None # Get next song if len(Queue) == 1: Queue.pop(0) entry = None else: # > 1 Queue.pop(0) entry = Queue[0] # Make sure the queue never runs empty if len(Queue) < 2: self.AddRandomSong() self.Event_SongChanged() self.Event_SongQueueChanged() return entry
[docs] def GetQueue(self): """ This method returns a copy of the song queue. The queue is a list of dictionaries. The content of the dictionary is described in the description of this module. Returns: The current song queue. ``[None]`` if there is no queue yet. Example: .. code-block:: python queue = songqueue.GetQueue() if not queue: print("There are no songs in the queue") else: for entry in queue: print("Element with ID %i holds the song with ID %i" % (entry["entryid"], entry["songid"])) """ global Queue return list(Queue)
[docs] def AddSong(self, songid, position="last", israndom=False): """ With this method, a new song can be insert into the queue. The position in the queue, where the song gets insert can be changed by setting the ``position`` argument: * ``"last"`` (default): Appends the song at the end of the queue * ``"next"``: Inserts the song right after the current playing song. * *Integer*: Entry-ID after that the song shall be inserted. On success, this method triggers the ``SongQueueChanged`` event. When the song shall be put at the beginning of the queue, then it gets set to index 1 not index 0. So the current playing song (index 0) remains! The new song gets added to the :mod:`~musicdb.musicdb.mdbapi.blacklist` via :meth:`musicdb.mdbapi.blacklist.BlacklistInterface.AddSong` The method also triggers the ``SongQueueChanged`` event. Args: songid (int): The ID of the song that shall be added to the queue position (str/int): Defines the position where the song gets inserted israndom (bool): Defines whether the song is randomly selected or not Returns: The new Queue Entry ID as integer Raises: TypeError: When ``songid`` is not of type ``int`` """ if type(songid) != int: raise TypeError("Song ID must be an integer!") entryid = self.GenerateID() newentry = {} newentry["entryid"] = entryid newentry["songid"] = songid newentry["israndom"] = israndom global Queue global QueueLock with QueueLock: if position == "next": Queue.insert(1, newentry) elif position == "last": Queue.append(newentry) elif type(position) == int: for index, entry in enumerate(Queue): if entry["entryid"] == position: Queue.insert(index+1, newentry) break; else: logging.warning("Queue Entry ID %s does not exist. \033[1;30m(Doing nothing)", str(position)) else: logging.warning("Position must have the value \"next\", \"last\" or an Queue Entry ID. Given was \"%s\". \033[1;30m(Doing nothing)", str(position)) return # add to blacklist self.blacklist.AddSong(songid) self.Event_SongQueueChanged() return entryid
[docs] def AddRandomSong(self, position="last", albumid=None): """ This method adds a random song into the queue. The position in the queue, where the song gets insert can be changed by setting the ``position`` argument: * ``"last"`` (default): Appends the song at the end of the queue * ``"next"``: Inserts the song right after the current playing song. When there is an album ID, the randoms song gets selected from that album using :meth:`musicdb.mdbapi.randy.Randy.GetSongFromAlbum`. If the album ID is ``None``, the method :meth:`musicdb.mdbapi.randy.Randy.GetSong` will be used to get a random song from the activated genres. After selecting the random song, the :meth:`~AddSong` method gets used to insert the new song into the queue. If there is no song found by Randy, then nothing gets added to the queue and ``False`` will be returned. Args: position (str): Defines the position where the song gets inserted. albumid (int/NoneType): ID of the album from that the song will be selected, or ``None`` for selecting a song from the activated genres. Returns: ``True`` when a random song got added to the queue. Otherwise ``False``. Raises: TypeError: When one of the types of the arguments are not correct """ if type(position) != str: raise TypeError("Position must be a string!") if albumid != None and type(albumid) != int: raise TypeError("Album ID must be an integer!") if albumid: mdbsong = self.randy.GetSongFromAlbum(albumid) else: mdbsong = self.randy.GetSong() if not mdbsong: return False self.AddSong(mdbsong["id"], position, israndom=True) return True
[docs] def GetSong(self, entryid): """ Returns the song ID of the entry addressed by the entry ID Args: entryid (int): ID of the entry that song ID shall be returned Returns: The song ID of the entry, or ``None`` if the entry does not exists Raises: TypeError: When ``entryid`` is not of type ``int`` """ if type(entryid) != int: raise TypeError("Entry ID must be an integer!") global Queue global QueueLock with QueueLock: for entry in Queue: if entry["entryid"] == entryid: return entry["songid"] logging.debug("Cannot find the requested entry %s! \033[1;30m(Returning None)", str(entryid)) return None
[docs] def RemoveSong(self, entryid): """ Removes the entry with the ID ``entryid`` from the queue. Removing the current song is not allowed! Call :meth:`~NextSong` instead. When there is only one entry left in the queue - the current song - then a new one gets add via :meth:`~AddRandomSong` On success, this method triggers the ``SongQueueChanged`` event. Args: entryid (int): Entry to remove Returns: ``True`` on success, otherwise ``False`` Raises: TypeError: When ``entryid`` is not of type ``int`` """ if type(entryid) != int: raise TypeError("Entry ID must be an integer!") global Queue global QueueLock with QueueLock: if len(Queue) < 2: logging.warning("The queue has only %i element. There must be at least 2 entries to be able to remove one.", len(Queue)) return False if Queue[0]["entryid"] == entryid: logging.warning("The entry ID addresses the current song. This entry cannot be removed!") return False Queue = [entry for entry in Queue if entry["entryid"] != entryid] # Make sure the queue never runs empty if len(Queue) < 2: self.AddRandomSong() self.Event_SongQueueChanged() return True
[docs] def MoveSong(self, entryid, afterid): """ This method moves an entry, addressed by ``entryid`` behind another entry addressed by ``afterid``. If both IDs are the same, the method returns immediately without doing anything. When ``entryid`` addresses the current song, the method returns with value ``False`` On success, the method triggers the ``SongQueueChanged`` event. Args: entryid (int): afterid (int): Returns: ``True`` when the entry was moved, otherwise ``False`` Raises: TypeError: When ``entryid`` or ``afterid`` is not of type int """ if entryid == afterid: return False # First check, if everything is OK with the arguments if type(entryid) != int or type(afterid) != int: raise TypeError("Queue entry IDs must be of type int!") global Queue global QueueLock with QueueLock: if Queue[0]["entryid"] == entryid: logging.warning("The entry ID addresses the current song. This entry cannot be moved!") return False # Get Positions frompos = [pos for pos, entry in enumerate(Queue) if entry["entryid"] == entryid] topos = [pos for pos, entry in enumerate(Queue) if entry["entryid"] == afterid] if not frompos: logging.warning("Cannot find element with entryid %i in the queue!\033[1;30m (Doing nothing)", entryid) return False if not topos: logging.warning("Cannot find element with afterid %i in the queue!\033[1;30m (Doing nothing)", afterid) return False frompos = frompos[0] topos = topos[0] # When topos is behind frompos, decrement topos because if shifts one entry down due to popping the frompos-element from the list if topos < frompos: topos += 1 # Move element entry = Queue.pop(frompos) Queue.insert(topos, entry) self.Event_SongQueueChanged() return True
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